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Are we humans really running the world?

Är det verkligen vi människor som styr världen? - Floranie Skincare

Our species (Homo Sapiens) has long seen itself as the top of the world's hierarchies. We decide which species will live and which will die. We can tackle whatever areas we want and the world is, literally, under our feet. Modern man in the modern world has never been happier. We have access to fantastic technologies that make our everyday life easier than ever before. We have access to all the world's information and all the world's entertainment directly from the sofa. It's absolutely fantastic...


This could be true but at the same time we see today how more and more people become more depressed, feel more alone and feel worse (both physically and mentally) than ever before. We also see that several "modern diseases" are continuously increasing in number. Regardless of whether we are talking about cancer or skin conditions, we see a growing curve.

So how is it that we, modern people, who have seemingly never been better off than today, are at the same time not fully satisfied with our lives?

My firm opinion is that this is because we are not living as evolution has created us to live. We try in every possible way to cheat the evolutionary development that led us from being chimpanzees to becoming today's modern homo sapiens. We are created for a specific lifestyle and now that we no longer live this way, we instead try to replace this lifestyle with various other factors and "stuff".

Furthermore, we as humans have been directly or indirectly controlled/domesticated by a number of plant species around the world. An example of this is the domestication of wheat by us humans. This event is very well described in the book “Sapiens” by the author Yuval Noah Harari.

 ”The average farmer worked harder than the average hunter-gatherer and received a poorer diet in return. The agricultural revolution was the biggest fraud in history, Who is responsible? Not kings or priests or merchants. The culprits were a handful of plant species, including wheat, rice and potatoes. These plants domesticated Homo Sapiens rather than vice versa.

Let us for a moment consider the evolution of agriculture from the point of view of wheat. 10,000 years ago, wheat was just one of many wild grasses, and its occurrence was limited to a small area in the Middle East. Within a few millennia, wheat suddenly grew all over the world. According to the basic evolutionary criteria of survival and reproduction, wheat has become one of the most successful plants in the history of the earth”.

Yuval means that wheat has used its "good ability" to function as food for us humans to spread around the world. This is not the only species on earth that has domesticated us. Almost all plants, animals, microbes (bacteria, viruses, fungi, etc.) and other living species that we humans use to brighten our lives have succeeded in their missions. To spread in the world with humans as aids.

Another successful example is the Aloe Vera plant. This amazing plant species is used today by millions of people around the world and works such as the content of skin care and nutritional supplements. Aloe Vera originates in the southeastern part of the Arabian Peninsula. This was the only place where Aloe Vera grew wild and from an evolutionary perspective this is a very limited area. Aloe, however, managed with its properties to get us humans to spread its origin to large parts of the world. Aloe Vera managed, just like wheat, to spread around the world by domesticating us humans.

All living species will always want to pass on their genes as much as possible. It is literally in the nature of all species. The key to succeeding with this spread in a successful way is to create value for and cooperate with other species. If we don't cooperate with other species, whether it's cattle or microbes, then we will have a long-term loss. So it has always been and so it will always be.

Yes, we humans have succeeded in becoming the masters of the road, but in order to survive in the future, we must start cooperating with the other species that live on us, in us and around us. It is the only way for us to succeed... Both in the short and long term.

Wikipedia's definition of Domestication:

Domestication is a sustained multi-generational relationship in which one group of organisms assumes a significant degree of influence over the reproduction and care of another group to secure a more predictable supply of resources from that second group .

Source Aloe Vera:


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