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Best skincare routine

Bästa hudvårdsrutinen

What is the best skincare routine?

This is a question that a lot of people ask themselves. Here we will try to find out the answer to this question.

In order to answer this question - "what is the best skincare routine?" we must first ask ourselves the question - "what is skincare?".

The skincare industry as we know it today is a relatively new phenomenon, having taken off in the early 1900s. Early pioneers such as Helena Rubinstein and Elizabeth Arden introduced the concept of beauty salons and specialized skincare products, laying the foundation for modern skincare. The industry developed rapidly after World War II, when economic growth and increasing consumerism led to an explosion of new products and brands.

In the latter half of the 20th century, the market expanded globally, driven by large companies such as L'Oréal and Estée Lauder. Technological developments and research in dermatology led to more advanced and diversified products, targeting specific skin types and problems. Marketing and advertising became key strategies to create demand and shape consumer beauty ideals.

Despite this tremendous growth, the entire beauty industry has faced criticism for various aspects. Marketing has often played on insecurities and reinforced unrealistic beauty standards, which can negatively affect people's self-esteem. Many products have contained harmful synthetic substances, and there has been a lack of transparency around the safety of ingredients. Animal testing and the environmental impact of production have also been controversial.

Today, consumers seem to be becoming more and more aware of different substances in skincare as well as the environmental aspect.

The irony, however, is that the perfect skincare routine does not include any skincare products at all.

Our skin has evolved over 1.9 million years of evolution. For the first 1.89 million years, we lived as hunter-gatherers. We were nomadic, constantly moving around and always out in nature.

The skin therefore adapted evolutionarily to this lifestyle. Our skin is built for a hunter-gatherer life. The best skincare routine is therefore not to use any skincare at all. Instead, the best skincare routine is to return to a hunter-gatherer lifestyle. Move out to a cabin in the woods, eat what's in the woods and only swim in a nearby lake every other day.

But... Very few people are willing or even able to make this drastic lifestyle change. It's simply too big a lifestyle change to make to optimize skin health.

Instead, the question arises - "What is the world's second-best skincare routine?".

The second-best skincare routine is to try to give the skin the best possible conditions to take care of itself. We can support the skin both from the inside and the outside by doing the following steps:



  • Eat 2-4 forks of naturally fermented sauerkraut or kimshi.
  • Take a walk in nature or outdoors without sun protection. 15 minutes is enough.
  • Drink water.


"But what?!" some of you might be wondering? Is that all? No toners, serums, creams, peels or face masks?

No, that's not necessary. If you consistently follow the above steps, you give your skin the absolute best conditions to come into balance and thus achieve as optimal skin health as you can ever get. Both in the short and long term.

Read more about our concept here!


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