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Fungtastic Mushroom Extract

399 kr
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Welcome to a new level of health!

Chaga (25%)
Lion's Mane (25%)
Cordyceps (25%)
Reishi (25%)

After recognizing the significance of the skin's (and the body's) endocannabinoid system (ECS), I immediately began exploring solutions to support this system from within. The simplest approach is to consume oral CBD for ECS support.

However, since selling oral CBD is not permitted in Sweden (unless classified as a medicine), we had to explore alternative options. Driven by my determination, I sought out alternative methods.

This quest led me to Betulinic Acid.

Then came the question: What is the most potent and effective method for extracting Betulinic Acid? The answer became clear – Chaga mushrooms.

Chaga is a traditional medicinal mushroom renowned for its remarkable properties, with Betulinic Acid being one of its major components. As I delved into the world of Chaga, I also discovered other medicinal mushrooms such as Lion's Mane, Reishi, and Cordyceps.

While these mushrooms possess diverse functions and properties, they share a common trait – they all contribute in various ways to supporting the endocannabinoid system.

This led me to ponder - "Where can one find the most potent and effective extracts?"

By chance, the answer led me to a British man residing in the forests of Estonia. Over the past few years, this individual has dedicated much of his time to perfecting mushroom extraction techniques, primarily from Chaga but also from other medicinal mushrooms.

Initially hesitant to collaborate with "corporate" entities (big companies), this man, whom we'll refer to as 'R,' eventually agreed to work with us after numerous meetings.

Together, we have forged an agreement allowing us to procure his exceptional extracts.

We call it – 1753 LIFESTYLE.

Certified Organic Lion's Mane (Hericium erinaceus) - Supports focus and memory!This mushroom has been traditionally used in various cultures for its potential cognitive benefits. Research suggests that Lion's Mane can support cognitive function, memory and overall brain health.

Cordyceps (Cordyceps sinensis) - Boosts energy and physical performance!Originally utilized in traditional Tibetan and Chinese medicine, Cordyceps is renowned for its potential to increase energy levels, enhance stamina, and improve physical performance.

Certified Organic Chaga (Inonotus obliquus) - Helps the immune system!Chaga mushrooms are rich in antioxidants, which can help support the immune system. They contain a host of beneficial substances such as polysaccharides and beta-glucans that can help regulate immune response and promote overall health. Chaga is also known for its potential anti-inflammatory properties.

Certified Organic Reishi (Ganoderma lucidum)- Promotes restful sleep and provides relaxation!Reishi has been celebrated in traditional Chinese medicine for thousands of years for its potential to promote relaxation, improve sleep quality and support a calm state of mind. It contains compounds like triterpenes and polysaccharides that may contribute to its relaxing properties.

Fungtastic Mushroom Extract

Size - 60 capsules per jarContents - 400mg 
Extract strength: 15:1
Recommended daily dose: 2 capsules per day
Minimum 20% Betaglucans
Main active ingredients: polysaccharides, triterpenes, betaglucans, erinacins, hericenones, betulinic acid, cordycepin and adenosine.

The time it takes to get an effect varies from person to person, but most individuals notice positive effects after about 2-4 weeks of consistent use. In some cases, it may take up to 6 weeks to achieve optimal results.

We really hope you will appreciate the concept.

When not to use Fungtastic

When pregnant
When breastfeeding
When you are allergic to any of the ingredients

Sources: Click here!

Christopher Genberg
1753 Skincare

Customer Reviews

Based on 29 reviews
Ingela Byström Dahne

Min torra hud på benen är något bättre efter 2 månader. Jag hade hoppats på bättre sömn men det är ingen skillnad.


Ätit en burk men inte märkt någon skillnad, har en burk kvar.

Viktoria Akselson Bryngelsson
Bättre sömn

Märkte ganska fort att min sömn blev bättre, vaknar mer utvilad. Tycker att min hud känns mjuk och len.

Tusen tack för dina fina ord Viktoria <3!

Anna Björklund
Elegant och välgörande

Perfekt kombo av adaptogener i snygg burk 👌🏼

Tusen, tusen tack för dina fina ord Anna <3! Det betyder verkligen jättemycket för oss!

Karin N

Har tidigare ätit lion’s mane och haft bra effekt men tycker denna kombo ger ännu bättre resultat. Skulle dock velat ha mer lion’s mane i varje kapsel

Tusen tack för dina fina ord och feedback Karin <3! Vi ska absolut ta med detta till framtida produktutveckling!

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