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10 benefits of water for radiant skin + How much should you drink per day?

10 fördelar med vatten för en strålande hud + Hur mycket borde du dricka per dag? - 1753 SKINCARE

When you drink enough water, the cells in every part of your body are hydrated through the blood. The skin, which is the body's largest organ, also becomes hydrated, while impurities and toxins are flushed out at the cellular level. Dehydration leads to increased transepidermal water loss (TEWL) and damages the skin barrier. Damage to the barrier causes premature aging and other skin problems such as acne breakouts, extreme dryness, etc."

Here are all the benefits of drinking water for your skin:

Improves skin tone
Drinking enough water helps the body flush out toxins while giving you healthier skin. Studies have shown that drinking just two glasses of water can increase blood flow to the skin, giving it an even tone.

Prevents premature aging
Staying hydrated increases the elasticity of the skin as it stays moist for longer. Increased elasticity in the skin means that the skin does not start to sag early and that fine lines and wrinkles do not appear prematurely.

Faster Healing
If you've been out in the sun and burned yourself, drinking water can speed up the healing process. Applying aloe vera to sunburned areas can also be incredibly soothing.

Reduces swelling
When skin looks swollen, it actually retains water to protect you from dehydration. This occurs when you don't drink enough water. Staying hydrated reduces puffiness and puffiness on your face.

Prevents acne
Drinking enough water balances the oil and water content of the skin on your face. It helps prevent excessive oil and sebum production, which means fewer clogged pores and acne.

Adult acne is becoming more common these days due to hectic lifestyles and lack of hydration. A study showed that 4-6 people out of 100 in the age groups 20-40 have adult acne.


No more itchy skin on the face
Dry skin always tends to itch. It can even develop dry flakes and cracks due to lack of moisture. Drinking enough water will keep your skin from getting dry enough to itch.


Firmer skin
Due to sudden weight loss, your skin may begin to sag. To prevent the skin from sagging and to tighten it in areas where sagging is noticeable, such as the upper arms, thighs, waist and jawline, drinking water helps as it revives the skin's elasticity.


Maintains your pH balance
Sensitive, acne-prone skin or problem skin due to various issues can be revived to a healthy version with water. Your skin can glow and be free of blemishes if you drink enough water to help balance your body's pH levels.


Prevents heat-related skin rashes
Water prevents your body from overheating and normalizes your body temperature. When your body heats up due to the weather or physical activity make sure you drink plenty of water so you don't develop heat boils and rashes on your skin.


Promotes a healthy stomach, which means clear skin
The intake of water helps maintain a healthy stomach and facilitates proper digestion. It regulates your bowel movements and flushes toxins from the body through urine and stool. Only when this process is smooth and your stomach is healthy will your skin remain clear and problem free.


Best way to add moisture to the skin
You can add moisture to your skin by using a water-based moisturizing cream that seals in the moisture and prevents the skin from drying out. You can also follow the tips listed below to keep your skin hydrated:



Mint is a good digestive aid. By boiling some leaves in water, straining them and drinking the water when it has cooled, you can help your digestion work better. The less detox work your skin has to do, the better it will look.



Basil has anti-inflammatory properties that can prevent inflammation and make your skin look younger. Flavonoids found in basil also protect the skin from damage. Drink water with basil leaves for best results.



Squeeze lemon juice over your fruit bowl, salad or as a finishing touch to your dishes. Lemon juice contains vitamin C, which is known to increase collagen production and cleanse the liver. A clean liver results in cleaner and more radiant skin.



Ginger has many benefits, as we all know. Adding ginger to your tea, boiling it and drinking the mixture, or adding it to your food can help with digestion and inflammation.



If you are diabetic or have a tendency to overdo the sweet, drinking water with cinnamon sticks that have been left overnight can help stabilize fluctuating blood sugar levels, improve blood circulation and prevent pimples and blackheads.


Juice cubes

Sugar is known to cause premature aging. If you like to drink prepackaged juices but want to cut down on sugar, you can freeze a few cubes of your favorite fruit juice (homemade) in an ice cube tray. Pour them into your water bottle and you get the fruity taste without excess sugar.

Raw honey and apple cider vinegar

Adding a few drops of raw honey or a tablespoon of organic apple cider vinegar to your glass of water can help clear skin of acne and prevent future breakouts.

How much water should I drink for optimal skin health?
The recommended amounts of water you should drink according to experts are 3.7 liters for men and 2 .7 liters of water for women. This includes all drinks, fruits and vegetables with a high water content.

Research suggests that drinking these amounts of water keeps your skin supple. Studies have also shown that when men and women increased their water intake, their skin's moisture levels improved, reduced the recurrence of dry and chapped skin, and increased elasticity.

But if you live in a place where the climate is very hot, or if you engage in active sports or heavy physical activity and sweat a lot, it goes without saying that you need to drink more than the above mentioned amount. On a long flight, it is recommended that you drink enough water, as it can prevent cramps and fatigue.

A warning:
Drinking excessive amounts of water can also be harmful. This is called overhydration and causes your body to contain more fluid than your kidneys can flush out. It can lead to hyponatremia.

Hyperhydration has symptoms similar to dehydration - vomiting, dizziness, light-headedness, headache and fatigue. If not treated properly, hyponatremia can even be fatal.

Which type of water is good for the skin?
Warm water is best for the skin because it is gentlest on your skin. Whether for a shower or for post-shower skin care products, using lukewarm water is ideal.

Water with a pH balance that varies from 6.5 to 8.5 is the healthiest to drink. Regular bottled water has a pH level of 6.5-7.5. However, some alkaline varieties have a slightly higher pH, and distilled RO water is between 5-7.



Emelie Edwall

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