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This is our duty…

Detta är vårt plikt...

A few days ago I had a discussion/conversation with a skin therapist who has a strong belief in the "traditional way of working as a skin therapist".

She has worked as a skin therapist for a long period and mostly uses products such as strong peelings, retinol etc.

We have met in various contexts and we have, to put it mildly, slightly different opinions when it comes to how the skin should be treated.

The reason we started a dialogue this time was because she was a little upset about a Christian post I wrote about excessive use of sunscreen during Sweden's winter months.

I really respect this woman as she, in her own way, still has the ambition to optimize people's skin health. But... To the point...

How the hell can't all dermatologists and skin therapists know about the skin's endocannabinoid system and its impact on overall skin health? How is it that our absolute, by far, most important system is not the highest focus of skin therapist and dermatologist training?

At the risk of sounding conspiracy theorist, the answer is almost exclusively money. The lack of money leads to a lack of incentive for skin care companies (or businesses sponsored by skin care companies) to shed light on the subject.

It is our duty to educate and spread the word about this system. We need to make as many skin therapists, dermatologists and consumers as possible aware of this system. We must then spread the knowledge about how to boost this system with skin care products as well as with other lifestyle changes. all your skin care friends.

It's not the easy thing to do but the right thing to do.

Christopher Genberg
Founder - Floranie Skincare


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